Monday, March 22, 2010

Job Recruiters..Here I am!

Whenever I think about my blog, my facebook profile, my (old..very old) myspace, and other profiles I have floating around the internet (ehhh?) I wonder..what future employer might see this? And if they did happen to stumble upon one of my profiles, could it keep me from getting a job?

These are the things that our generation really needs to keep in mind. With it now being easier than ever to find out information about someone else, it really is important to think about how we are representing ourselves, and how others are interacting with us. I'm sure we've all heard professors and parents alike warn us of the dangers of social networking sites and how they might one day hamper our job search, but I think that as long as you act responsibly and monitor what you post as well as what OTHER post on your sites, it'll all be okay.

Remember, what you allow others to post and what you keep on your wall is also a reflection of what you will (or will not) tolerate. Like I always say, never do anything you wouldn't want on the front page of the NY times! (In this case..the Washington Post?)

Come on people, common sense!


  1. I agree with you here. People really need to watch out about what they put on their facebooks. I have seen some stuff that I would never want a recruiter to see. It's just not worth risking it.

  2. Yes that's right.
    I'm an Human Resource major in France and it is really something we are told. Google yourselves to make sure nothing personal appears, and go on with Facebook...
    When about to hire someone, you can be sure you are spied.

  3. I literally think the SAME exact thing about my social networking profiles out there. But I tend to find myself wondering more about what other people are thinking when they decide to make their status about their most recent drug binge--like you said common sense
