Wednesday, April 14, 2010
You're Gonna Need a Ruler For This One
Monday, April 12, 2010
Social Watch:Trends to Look Out For
All of the articles I came across listed similar trends related to social networking to look out for in the year 2010 and beyond.
For the most part, the ideas were the same: Social media is growing! yes. The audience is in control! duh.
There were two trends, though, that really caught my eye.
Trend one.
To the marketing team:
Have you considered creating a Social Media Protocol? A policy that sets "rules of engagement" for multiple networking sites. This is a trend that will soon be implemented at your company, if it hasn't been already. It'll probably look a little something like this:
1. Don't be mean to our followers, friends, or foes - it just makes us look immature
2. Don't curse and definitely DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS. It offends some people..unless of course you're being nice like, "THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT JENNY! WE REALLY APPRECIATE IT! In which case you should add a smiley face because, well, it looks nice. ;)
3. Don't be an idiot.
Trend two.
To the Corporations:
Try as you might, it is harder than ever before to control your employees. The reason being because social media is now able to reach behind corporate firewalls. I had some no idea that 70 percent of organizations ban social networks. SEVENTY!? With the rise in sales of smartphones, employees are now taking their social networking off their computers and on to their iPhones.
But, there is a solution: take their cell phones away. It's easy and it works! Just put a little bin at the entrance of the building where cell phones and any other distractions go. But I can't take all the credit for this wonderful solution. I got the idea from a sorority. Not really a corporation, more like kindergarten- except you have to pay for it.
Kudos to me.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
221B Baker Street
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Resumes: Pictures and (Some) Color Welcome!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Job Recruiters..Here I am!
Monday, March 15, 2010
From LGB, With Love
Group meetings. There really isn't much to say except, no thank you.
I dislike having to be at group meetings at a certain time (what if I get hungry and want to eat instead!). I dislike having to wait around or plan accordingly so that everyone can come to an agreement as to when is a good time for everyone. And above ALL I dislike getting to kogod lab at 8pm only to find that there's a class in there and I won't be able to finish my group powerpoint..ugh.
Which is why virtual groups make the top of my favorites list! As a business student we all know what it's like to constantly be working in groups and having to meet..and meet..and re-meet. But now, through the use of gmail ands skype working in groups is easier than ever!
Of course, people feel that virtual groups are less personal then real face-to-face meetings, and that it is harder to really get to know your peers. For those of you who don't get non-verbal cues (text-wise) here's a hint:
If I'm giving you one word answers. Like..yeah.
...I'm probably angry.
And if I'm currently stuck in Long Beach California, had my flight delayed by Jetblue, won't be in DC until 7am, and have a class at 8:30.
I'm probably..ugh.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Take Those Linden Dollars and Buy Yourself a Life