Sunday, March 28, 2010

Resumes: Pictures and (Some) Color Welcome!

Just last week I updated my resume. I was bored, applying for a summer internship, and felt that my current one lacked umph and pizazz!

So, after hours of editing, modifying, and moving text boxes around I finally had a resume that I felt (slightly) better about. I kept asking myself, can I use colors? What about pictures?

Why are resumes so boring?

Don't employers get it? If I happen to have hott pink or orange headings in my resume it's not because I'm childish or incapable of "getting the job done", it means that I'm excited about the possibility of working somewhere great, that I can walk into an office and light up the room while still maintaining that level of professionalism that is necessary in work space.

Get a clue! Resumes don't have to (and SHOULDN'T) be boring! Which is why I love the idea of virtual resumes and blogs for listing accomplishments! They're easy to edit and you can spice things up a bit!

I myself am thinking of creating my own little website-resume where I can add pictures and all the colors I want. I think it will go well with my IT specialization, don't cha think!?

Elle Woods had it right, pink scented paper all the way.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Job Recruiters..Here I am!

Whenever I think about my blog, my facebook profile, my (old..very old) myspace, and other profiles I have floating around the internet (ehhh?) I wonder..what future employer might see this? And if they did happen to stumble upon one of my profiles, could it keep me from getting a job?

These are the things that our generation really needs to keep in mind. With it now being easier than ever to find out information about someone else, it really is important to think about how we are representing ourselves, and how others are interacting with us. I'm sure we've all heard professors and parents alike warn us of the dangers of social networking sites and how they might one day hamper our job search, but I think that as long as you act responsibly and monitor what you post as well as what OTHER post on your sites, it'll all be okay.

Remember, what you allow others to post and what you keep on your wall is also a reflection of what you will (or will not) tolerate. Like I always say, never do anything you wouldn't want on the front page of the NY times! (In this case..the Washington Post?)

Come on people, common sense!

Monday, March 15, 2010

From LGB, With Love

Group meetings. There really isn't much to say except, no thank you. 

I dislike having to be at group meetings at a certain time (what if I get hungry and want to eat instead!). I dislike having to wait around or plan accordingly so that everyone can come to an agreement as to when is a good time for everyone. And above ALL I dislike getting to kogod lab at 8pm only to find that there's a class in there and I won't be able to finish my group powerpoint..ugh.

Which is why virtual groups make the top of my favorites list! As a business student we all know what it's like to constantly be working in groups and having to meet..and meet..and re-meet. But now, through the use of gmail ands skype working in groups is easier than ever!

Of course, people feel that virtual groups are less personal then real face-to-face meetings, and that it is harder to really get to know your peers. For those of you who don't get non-verbal cues (text-wise) here's a hint:


If I'm giving you one word answers. Like..yeah.

...I'm probably angry.

And if I'm currently stuck in Long Beach California, had my flight delayed by Jetblue, won't be in DC until 7am, and have a class at 8:30.

I'm probably..ugh.

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